Dog Training Glossary: Top Dog Terms You Need to Know in 2022

Last Updated on: 23rd February 2023, 01:42 am

Dog training terms can be confusing for first-time dog owners. This glossary will help you understand some of the most common dog training terms and their definitions.

It will help you also understand your dog’s behavior.

Agility: A dog sport that involves a dog navigating an obstacle course.


Abandonment Issues: A dog with abandonment issues may display behaviors such as clinginess or separation anxiety when their guardians leave them alone.


Barking: Dogs bark for a variety of reasons, including fear, boredom, excitement, and warning signs.

Behavior chain:


Canine professionals:

Clicker Training: A type of dog training that uses a small device called a clicker to mark desired behavior or a particular behavior by your dog.

Crate Training: Crate training is the process of teaching a dog to feel comfortable in an enclosed space, like a crate or kennel.

Classical conditioning:

Conditioned stimulus: Continuous reinforcement

Correct behavior:


Doggy Daycare: A daycare center for dogs where they can socialize and play with other dogs.

Dog Aggression: Dog aggression is any threatening or violent behavior directed toward another dog or person.

Dog Head:

Dog Training:

Dog Trainers:

Dog Owner:


Exercise: Exercise is crucial for keeping dogs healthy and happy. It helps them burn off excess energy and can prevent behavioral problems.


Force-Free Training: A type of dog training that does not use physical force or intimidation

Fearful Dogs: Fearful dogs are those that are afraid of people, other animals, or certain situations. They may Display fearful behaviors such as shaking, cowering, or aggression.


Guard Dog: A guard dog is a dog that has been trained by to protect property or people.


Housebreaking: Housebreaking is the process of teaching a dog to eliminate outdoors.

Housetraining: Housetraining is the process of teaching a dog to urinate and defecate outside or in a designated indoor area.


Inter dog Aggression: Inter dog aggression is aggression that is directed toward another dog within the same household.

In-Home Training: In-home training is dog training that takes place in the dog’s home environment.

Involuntary response:


Jumping Up: Jumping up is a common dog behavior that can be problematic for owners. Dogs may jump up to greet people, or to get attention.

Jealousy: Dogs can be jealous of other animals or people in their guardians’ lives. This may lead to behaviors like growling, snapping, or trying to push the other dog or person away.


Kennel Cough: Kennel cough is a highly contagious respiratory illness that is often spread in places like dog parks, boarding kennels, and daycare facilities. It can cause a harsh, dry cough and can sometimes lead to pneumonia.


Leash Pulling: Leash pulling is a common behavior problem where a dog pulls on their leash while walking. This can make walks unpleasant for both the dog and their guardian and can even be dangerous if the dog gets loose.


Mouthing: Mouthing is when a dog uses their mouth to explore their environment or play with people or toys. While mouthing is normal dog behavior, it can become a problem if the dog starts to bite or nip.

Marker Training: Marker training is a type of dog training that uses a marker (such as a clicker) to mark desired behaviors

Modify behavior:


Negative Reinforcement: Negative reinforcement is when a dog learns that a certain behavior will make an unpleasant situation stop. For example, a dog who jumps up on people may be told “no” and pushed away. The dog then learns that jumping up gets them attention, even if it’s negative attention.

Negative punishment: Negative punishment are given for unwanted behavior in dogs

Neutral stimulus:


Obedience Training: Obedience training is the process of teaching a dog to follow commands such as sit, stay, come, and down.


Puppy Mills: Puppy mills are commercial breeding facilities that mass-produce puppies for the pet trade. Puppies from puppy mills are often sick, poorly socialized, and have behavior problems.

Puppy socialization: Puppy socialization is the process of exposing a young dog to a variety of people, animals, and experiences in a positive way so that they learn to be comfortable with them.

Positive punishment:

Positive Reinforcement:

Previous behavior:


Separation Anxiety: Separation anxiety is a dog behavior problem that occurs when a dog becomes anxious or

Dog Quarantine: dog quarantine is the process of isolating a dog from other animals to prevent the spread of disease.


Dog Rescue: dog rescue is the process of taking in homeless or abandoned dogs and finding them new homes.

Reward marker:


Separation Anxiety: Separation anxiety is a condition where a dog becomes anxious or stressed when their guardian leaves them alone. This can lead to destructive behaviors like chewing and barking.


Training Classes: Training classes are a great way to socialize puppies and teach obedience commands. They can also be helpful for dealing with behavior problems.

Target behavior:


Dog urinary Tract Infection: dog urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria entering the dog’s urinary tract. Symptoms include frequent urination, pain during urination, and blood in the urine.

Unwanted behaviors: Undesirable behavior are behaviors linked to dog interaction


Dog Vaccinations: dog vaccinations are injections that help protect dogs from diseases. They are typically given to puppies at a young age and then booster shots are given as the dog gets older.

Dog Walker: dog walkers are people who walk dogs for a living. They typically provide services like dog walking, dog sitting, and dog daycare.


eXercise: eXercise is crucial for keeping dogs healthy and happy. It helps them burn off excess energy and can prevent behavioral problems.


Yard: The yard is a great place for dogs to play and exercise. However, it’s important to make sure that the yard is safe and secure so that the dog can’t get out.


Dog Zoonoses: dog zoonoses are diseases that can be passed from animals to humans. They include conditions like rabies, ringworm, and salmonella.

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