Are you wondering what a brindle pitbull is?
Should you get this pitbull dog breed?
Or are you a pitbull lover or dog lover and interested in this highly misunderstood dog breed, then you are in the right place.
In this article, we will look at the brindle pitbull dogs, what it is, what makes them so unique and rare, how to get one, training, feeding, and a whole lot of information and everything you need to know.
There is a lot of pessimistic information about the Pitbull dog being a dangerous canine.
On the contrary, this unique eye-catchy breed with a reputation for being aggressive can be very loving and caring. Like any other canine breed, they are highly intelligent, affectionate, sensitive, smart, and desire good treatment from carers. It is important to socialize them early to ensure they adapt well.
What is a Brindle Pitbull?
Brindle Pitbull is a term that describes the dog’s coat color pattern rather than the breed. They are descendants of purebred American Terrier Pitbulls or American Staffordshire American dogs pit bull mix.
What is a Reverse Brindle Pitbull?
Unlike the Brindle Pitbull, reverse brindle pit bulls have this prominent dark coat which looks like the densely highlighted stripes on his fur overwhelm the fawn mixture or more like it has a dark underlay with light shades of stripes which reflects faintly.
It is the reverse brindle coat of a Brindle Pitbull. They are the opposite of fawns. It is easy to confuse them with a mono-black dog because of their bold stripes which scarcely reflect the fawn mixture. A thorough look at the dog will convince you.
They are eye-catching and daring. Just like the Brindle Pitbull, they could be a Blue Nose Pitbull or a Red Nose Pitbull.
Brindle Breed Overview Guide: History and Overview
Back in the 19th century, bull baiting, bear baiting, pit fighting, hunting, and later dog fighting were barbaric acts that caught some people’s fantasies. Dogs were used in carrying out these barbaric acts.
To get a potential dog for these sports, the Old English Bulldog characterized by his fierce and loyal attributes was combined with the Old English Terrier characterized by its intelligent and cunning attributes.
The combination led to a voracious dog that could combat perfectly in sports.
The Pitbull was later welcomed in America as a fighting dog. Sometime later, these treacherous acts were banned by the law.
A Pittie’s loyalty and care for children has earned the breed the term “Nanny dog”.
Nonetheless, their history still haunts them. Even though the United Kennel Club (UKC) recognizes the Pitbull, the American Kennel Club (AKC) and the American Dog Breeders Association (ADBA) both recognize the breed’s
Many years down the lane, the Pitbulls have been stereotyped as a combative canine breed not suitable for adaptation in the home talk more as a pet in the home.
On the contrary, research has shown that this negative attribute about them is exaggerated. The purebred dog can be just as loving and friendly depending on the kind of treatment received from the hands of a caregiver.
Even though Pitbulls in the generic sense are not recognized by the American Kennel Club.
It is noteworthy that there are selected breeds recognized by the same club within the Bull and Terrier breeds.
These are:
- American Pitbull Terriers Breed
- American Staffordshire Terrier Breed
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier Breed
- American Bully Breed
They have also been given several kinds of names by their owners and carers. These names many times are used to describe them and highlight their unique features.
Some of the common ones are:
- White and Brindle Pitbull: A striking example of the variety and coloration found within the pitbull breed.
- Blue Nose Pitbull
- Red Brindle Pitbull
- Blue Brindle Pitbull
- Red Nose Brindle Pitbull: These affectionate dogs require attentive care from responsible dog owners.
- Gray Pit-bull
- Bull Terrier
- Brindle American Staffy
- Brindle American Pit: A medium-sized dog with distinctive coat patterns admired by many.
- Brindle Pittie
Are Brindle Color Rare?
It is assumed that the Brindle Pitbulls are rare but in reality, they are not.
These misconceptions might have been accrued from the confusion about the Brindle Pitbull being a recessive gene thus making them less occurring than others.
The brindle coat color is derived from an animal’s phenotype which becomes apparent in the skin color, just like genes in human beings.
They are formed by the animal’s genes, which dictate their coloration and muscular build.
Secondly, because of the restrictions placed on them by the law in some places, dog owners need to be aware of local regulations. In this instance where the American Kennel Club (AKC) does not recognize the breed, many people are discouraged from having them in possession.
However, they are not as rare as people think. You can even find this coat color in other breeds too like Boxers and Greyhounds.
Brindle Pitbull Appearance
This canine breed of dog has a bold and daring appearance which canine lovers like. They appear to be intimidating and fierce because of their strong and muscular physiques with broad faces and short muzzles.
They share resemblances with their parents the American Pit Bull Terrier and American Staffordshire Terrier. They are characterized by small lovely attractive wide eyes.
They have dropping rose-shaped ears that are curly, and sometimes, blue eyes. The texture of their coat is stiff with short fur that has a brown or fawn layer with darker stripes.
Their tiger-like color combination makes them even more attractive and stands them out among the canine breed. Brindle Pitbulls could be Fawn, Red Nose Pitbulls, or Blue Nose Pitbulls.
Types of Brindle Pitbull
There are two commonest types of Brindle Pitbulls- the Blue Nose Brindle Pitbull and the Red Nose Brindle Pit-bull.
A: Blue Brindle Pitbull
The Blue Nose Brindle Pitbulls as they are so called have a blue nose and blue-gray coat with brownish stripes giving them a calm-fierce look. Their blueish wide eyes make them even more captivating. It appears that they have some white coat in a few areas which highlights the details of their coating.
B: Red Nose Brindle Pitbull
The Red Nose Brindle Pitbulls like they are also called have a reddish copper nose.
With a light reddish coat and matching eyes which give them a fierce look. The white patches in some parts of their body balance their looks.
Brindle Pitbull Physical Traits: Size and Weight
The Brindle Pitbull’s size and weight vary according to type, gender, and age.
1: Type
As rightly know, because a Brindle Pitbull is a descendant of the American Pitbull Terrier or An American Staffordshire Terrier their sizes vary.
The Brindle with the American Pitbull Terrier genes appears to be about 17 – 20 inches tall. With a weight gap of about 30 – 70 pounds.
They usually look more stocky and broader. On the other hand, a Brindle carrying the genes of an American Staffordshire appears to be leaner and smaller.
Their height varies from 16 – 19 inches. However, they weigh more than the brindle American pit bull terrier between 55 – 85 pounds.
It might be difficult to see a difference between the Brindles at foresight, especially when looking at stock photos. Their medium size height suits them perfectly, it allows them to exercise especially in a large play space with active owners.
2: Gender
Their size and weight differ according to gender. Take for instance Brindle pup. A male puppy is between 14 -21 inches tall and weighs around 40 – 70 pounds while a female brindle puppy is about 14 – 18 inches tall and weighs around 30 – 60 pounds. So, the male brindle puppies are usually taller and weightier than their female counterpart.
3: Age
Of course, the age difference differs between puppies and fully grown Brindles. You would expect that the pup will weigh less than a grown Brindle. The fully grown Brindles are also taller than the pups.
Brindle Coat Pattern Variations
Pitties’ coat base colors are unique because their brindle pattern and mixed color combination make them stand out from other canine breeds.
However, you could also get similar pattern variations from other breeds such as the Cursinu, Greyhound, and Boxer.
They have a wide spectrum of color hues.
Such as; blue, lilac, fawn, white, black, red, yellow, brown, silver, or orange.
They usually have a light color base with dark stripes or a dark color coat with light stripes. Sometimes, the stripes could be thick enough to almost swallow up the color base coat, making Pitbulls of any color look unique.
Temperament and Personality
The Brindle Pitbull is a receptive canine that thrives in a loving home. They give back to careers the kind of treatment that has been given to them.
Testimonials of Pitties have shown that they are loving, loyal, energetic but sensitive dogs. They could be very emotional, that is why they must be treated well.
A: Loving
Typically, brindle pit bulls appear intimidating, especially to visitors. On the contrary rather than scare visitors away a Brindle that has been receiving fair treatment from its carers will want to socialize with visitors, getting a rub on the stomach.
It has also earned the term “Nanny dog” because of its care and concern for children. Although, it is not advisable to leave children alone with them. The Pittie would want to be around you most of the time. This attribute could lead to separation anxiety if not properly nurtured.
B: Loyal
If you are looking for a dog that cherishes your attention then this canine is one. They are a loyal breed that forms strong connections with their carers.
They are not ready to share this attention with any other canine.
This makes them susceptible to jealousy, especially when another dog is in the household. Thus, because of this trait, it is hastily believed that they are not good among animals.
They have zero tolerance for disloyalty which is displayed by their reactions. They must be taught how to socialize from a pup for them to be good among their pack.
However, they will ensure safety in the homes. Although they are not one to bark excessively, they will still monitor the home against intruders especially when it pertains to children’s safety.
C: Energy
Their energy levels are high. It is a dominant makeup they possess. Their muscular bodies are suited for rigorous plays/exercises. On a regular, this breed can exercise over an hour daily.
Their careers must have enough time to accommodate this part of them not to frustrate them, as affectionate dogs like Pitbulls thrive on companionship. A large playground and toys will do them good and help them live a dream life.
D: Sensitive, especially when raised by responsible dog owners who understand their needs.
Some carers have suffered a fatal fate from their Pitties because they do not understand them or have failed to meet their needs. Many times they have been treated badly and cruelly.
Some people still abuse them even after the law is against treating them badly. It is such experiences and treatment from insensitive or uninformed owners that the Brindle Pitbull capitalizes on to go wild.
A carer must be careful to meet the needs of the dog. You should consider the cost before getting one. Above all, you get the best from them if you treat them well because their emotional inclination makes them loving and lovable canines.
Brindle Pitbull Training
These canines should be exposed to socialization early enough to boost their relationship tolerance, especially with their pack.
The result of early exposure to socialization cannot be undermined. Proper training is important for Pitties that are loyal companions to children.
However, it is never advisable to leave kids to the care of dogs.
They still have to be monitored. Also, a trainer must be firm, not wicked because they could become intolerant and mistreat such a person. You should learn the effective methods that best suit them, as every dog is different. Brindle Pitbulls could be heady, however they respect firm trainers and enjoy spending time engaging in activities that provide stimulation.
You must train them to acclimatize to the peculiarities of their environment. Training a Pittie successfully is some intentional work that requires positive reinforcement, patience, and consistency.
You need to find the balance between firm training and mistreatment. An owner must be guided and should find ways to engage the energized canine using treats and toys.
With patience, consistency, and appropriate treatment comes a positive result. Keeping the training sessions fun-packed and within a reasonable time will also encourage your dog.
They have an endearing temperament and if training is properly channeled, they are suitable for the home. On the contrary, they can be dangerous for the home if mistreated.
Brindle Pitbull Lifespan and Health Issues
A healthy pitbull life span is between 12 – 15 years.
Sadly, they are prone to certain genetic health issues just like any other canine breed can too.
These certain genetic health problems are sometimes passed from their parents.
That being said, the health issues are not particular just to Brindle Pitbulls but the breed as a whole. Like many Bully dogs, they have tendencies to exhibit these health issues.
The most common diseases are:
1: Skin disorders: the Brindle Pitbulls have short skin. Hence, they are prone to skin disorders and allergies.
These allergies are accompanied by some signs such as; uncontrolled itching, redness of the skin, sores, paw licking, general signs of uneasiness, and changes in the natural skin. They are also commonly plagued by ticks, and fleas, caused by skin parasites and food allergens.
2: Hypothyroidism: it is a condition that dampens the metabolic rate of a Pittie. When this occurs it affects almost all the organs of the canine’s body. This also leads to laziness, weight gain, and loss of fur.
3: Hip and elbow dysplasia: This is an abnormal growth in the hip and joint region which affects their gait, a common issue in medium-sized dogs, also known as hip dysplasia. If this persists, it could lead to a more complicated bone problem called osteoarthritis.
4: Cataract eye disease: While this condition can affect any breed, Pitbulls with blue eyes should be monitored closely. Hinders clear sight, and limits the movement and activities of a Pittie. This could be frustrating because they are naturally an energetic breed.
5: Cardiac disease: The most common heart disease in Pitbulls is aortic stenosis, usually present at birth, which is why responsible dog owners should be vigilant about their pet’s health. Early signs of this condition could be coughing and breathing difficulty. It is caused by the narrowing of the aortic valve leading to many complex conditions.
6: Gastric torsion: This is a condition when a Pittie’s stomach is filled with substances such as air, food, and fluid which twists putting pressure on sensitive organs and blocking the flow of blood. It causes stomach bloating and It is an emergency condition that must be attended to as fast as possible because it can also affect breathing.
How Much Does A Brindle Pitbull Puppy Cost?
The average price of a Brindle Pitbull ranges between $800 to $1000.
Cost is determined by who you are getting your dog from- breeder, where you are getting your dog from- location, the ancestral history, color/pattern, and health of a Brindle Pitbull.
Usually, the American Staffordshire is more expensive than the Brindle American Terrier and is within the price range of $1500 – $2000.
The reason is that they are a recognized breed across borders in particular, they are recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) and there is a lot more expense incurred in their registration process due to their reputation for being aggressive.
That being said, for a fairer cost, a Brindle can be adopted for about $250. It is important to know that whatever initial cost incurred on the purchase of a Brindle Pitbull is not all that is to be spent, as responsible dog owners must also account for ongoing care expenses.
Some other things you will need to purchase include Pit bull dog Food and Water Bowl, High-Quality Dog Food, Leash and Collar, Microchip, Brush, Training Treats, chew toys, a Dog Crate, a Dog Bed, Dog Shampoo, and a nail trimmer. The cost of these rounds up to about $310 – $430.
Places to Find Brindle Pitbull Puppies for Sale and Adoption: Breeders, Rescue Homes, and Online.
The surest place you can buy a Brindle Pitbull is from breeders. You should find a credible breeder who has good testimonials.
A reputable pitbull breeder should be able to trace the genealogy of the dog for any issue such as health and temperament issues, including a reputation for being aggressive. Prices of a Pittie vary and you should expect that getting a Pitbull from a credible breeder would incur more money because of the quality and expense they have incurred in breeding a dog, especially if it has a muscular build.
A credible breeder will be abreast with the record of vaccinations and the essentials a dog must undergo to be healthy and well-trained.
Animal Shelter and Rescue homes
You could get a brindle pitbull from a rescue dog home or adopting a brindle pitbull. However, their information about the dog may be limited.
Also, they are less expensive than procuring one from a breeder. However, you should be able to extract the minimalist information required about the Pitbull from the escape homes
There’s nothing or almost nothing you cannot get to buy online canine inclusive. You could search for credible breeders or rescue dogs. Be sure to get the best before procurement.
A Brindle Pitbull has endearing attributes and wants to be treated well. Failure of carers to do so could lead to destructive tendencies and aggression from them.
It is important to know the demands of a Pittie and know how to meet them with prerequisite training. This key would make life well-meaning for owners and their Pitties. A Pittie is one of the most loyal dogs you can ever own. You should consider owning this unique breed if you want a loving and loyal dog.